Power kids season pass

Hey Parents!
This is huge! Kids 12 and under get a FREE Power Kids season pass that’s good at all Power Pass mountains! It’s totally FREE – no strings attached (proof of age and wavier signature is required)! Do you have an existing Power Kid from the 2023/2024 ski season? Click here to register your child again. Hold onto the pass that appears on your child’s lanyard, zipper or helmet: they may be able to re-use it!
Unlimited Access
Yep! You read that right! Your Power Kid gets unlimited FREE skiing at your favorite Power Pass mountains! But the good news doesn’t stop there! Your little ripper will also get unlimited FREE mountain biking at every U.S. Power Pass bike park, too! Wahoo! (Proof of age is required).
Where Your Kid Can Go!
Purgatory Resort (Durango, CO)*
Arizona Snowbowl (Flagstaff, AZ)
Sipapu Ski & Summer Resort (Taos, NM)
Pajarito Mountain Ski Area (Los Alamos, NM)*
Brian Head Resort (Brian Head, UT)*
Nordic Valley Ski Resort (Eden, UT)
Willamette Pass Resort (Crescent Lake, OR)
Lee Canyon (Las Vegas, NV)*
Sandia Peak Ski Area (Albuqueruque, NM)
Valle Nevado (Santiago, Chile)
La Parva (Santiago, Chile)
Spider Mountain Bike Park (Burnet, TX)*
Hesperus Ski Area (Durango, CO) CLOSED 2024/2025
* indicates a bike park where your kid can also shred it up on their bike using their Power Kids pass!
Kids Love Purg!
- Kids ski FREE!
- Kids bike FREE!
- We’ve got lessons for all levels!
- Kids can meet other little shredders with the same skills and love for the snow.
- Our terrain is fun and accessible for snow sliders of all ability levels.
- We’re a family-friendly resort and we love helping youngsters discover a passion for the mountains and for snow sports.
- Kids are welcome to visit and explore our sister resorts too!